Who are we?

Local Refinery began in 2016 from desperate hearts looking for purpose and fullfilment. It wasnt until we were stripped down to practically nothing that we each realized the heart fills when it gives itself away rather than seeks to aquire. The revelation of sacrifice opened our eyes and changed our lives. Now all we want to do is walk out what we've come to understand by
living a life of sacrifice unto others as our
Savior did for us, using the unique gifts and talents we've been given.
We know the heart is wicked and deceitful above all else and that our Creator longs to refine it to holiness day by day. 
As believers in Yeshua Ha Machiach, we have a calling to be His hands and His feet. We believe in service, community and helping wherever and whenever we are able. We believe that if we care for others, we too will be taken care of. Our goal is to create ways in which people are brought together to sharpen one another and to cheer eachother on while we all are put through the fires of life that ultimately turn us into Jewels in His Crown! 

......​and other things

  1. For Your Ears
    If you enjoy indulging in the depth of all my pondering, you might just be interested in putting a voice to the words. I invite you to check out these songs I have written to keep you thinking about the richness and depth of all we experience on this earth.
  2. For Your Body
    I love to design jewelry and since you are interested enough in my creative writing style to make it this deep in the site, maybe you have an eye for creative jewelry styles too! Swing on over to Alterity29.etsy.com to receive 15% off just for hanging out here and because I love you! CODE: TLR15
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